员工集体变革: Conversations to Empower Antiracist Action (Formerly known as SARAE) is a group welcoming all members of the 菲律宾十大彩票平台 staff community to participate in dialogue sparked by selected media that centers issues of racism.

Find the details For each meeting and past meetings below. ALL 菲律宾十大彩票平台员工 members are welcome to attend these meetings, regardless of experience discussing issues of racism.

Discussing the Future of the 员工集体变革 (SCC)

Tuesday, April 30, 11:00 – 12:00PM via Zoom

全年, 鳞状细胞癌组织 have met with Dina and CEDI to discuss how we can partner with CEDI, 使我们的工作与IDE计划保持一致, and continue motivating and mobilizing staff at 菲律宾十大彩票平台现在,我们想听听你的意见 and gather your thoughts on the future of SCC at a meeting on 4月30日周二,东部时间上午11点,Zoom.


  • 审查IDE计划 and specifically note where 工作人员 are mentioned
  • 请查看 鳞状细胞癌的网站 看看我们过去做过什么
  • Consider how you already engage in IDE initiatives at 菲律宾十大彩票平台 and how you would like to engage in the future


你参加过我们的对话吗? Please take a couple minutes to fill our our feedback Form! We are always looking to improve these discussions and welcome your input. Additionally, join our email list to stay updated on SCC dates and media.


At each session, the Collective will institute a Call to Action. This will be a time where attendees will reflect on a specific action they can take to make 菲律宾十大彩票平台 or their broader community a more inclusive, 公平的, 还有反种族主义的空间.

鳞状细胞癌的 行动问责指南 is meant to assist staff in completing action steps through identifying timelines, 资源, 以及与行动相关的挑战.

继续学习的资源 & Un-Learning

The following links were suggested by members of SCC as 资源 they have found helpful in their learning/unlearning journey. Depending on where folks are in their own journey, some 资源 may be more helpful than others. 请在你认For合适的时候探索它们, and feel free to suggest the addition of any 资源 to SARAE leadership.




文章 & 网站

2022-23 SCC媒体列表



Reconnected, set the stage For the coming year of conversations. Revisited past media to generate ideas and feedback.


Accountability and Maintaining Momentum in Antiracism Work




Cancelled: Discuss and reflect upon the Indigenous Elder in Residence events



春天 Cleaning – focused on current issues of personal interest to staff, 共享资源和信息, 以及行动项目的识别


VPIEC Conversation – discussed what will be important to share with the new VPIEC about SCC and the needs of 工作人员




员工集体变革 (SCC) provides intentional, ongoing opportunities For 菲律宾十大彩票平台 staff to engage in dialogue around anti-racist action and expand their knowledge of diversity, 股本, 和包容. 我们力求提供安全, accountable dialogue spaces to discuss pre-selected media while supplying additional 资源 so that each person can continue their journey of understanding difference and the importance of an inclusive community.



We envision a 菲律宾十大彩票平台 where staff are empowered to engage in the ongoing work of creating an anti-racist community by raising awareness of issues of racism on campus and beyond, expand their knowledge of disparities within our communities, 重新设想政策, 实践, and personal habits that uphold racism in our society.